Sponsored Research (The office of Facilities Management in Georgia Tech)
Research Motivation
The office of Facilities Management (FM) in Georgia Tech manages the overall Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of campus buildings. The FM department sets the procedures of creating daily work events and assigns the procedures into workforce. Unfortunately, It has been observed that the process of assigning work to facilities management employees is not systematical, which leads delay in overall process.

Key Idea
To perform work order optimization, we propose the following methodology:
Compile real datasets (e.g. working time) from the office of Facilities Management
Model the real scenario with DES and validate it with actual total working hours
Formulate the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)
Employ Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Simulated Annealing (SA) to solve the TSP
Perform DES with new (or optimized) work orders and calculate total working hours
Compare the optimum scenario with the baseline in terms of total working hours

The results show that the optimized scenario reduces the total working hours by approximately 3.5% relative to the real scenario.

[1] Presented in the Conference of Computational Interdisciplinary Science in 2019
[2] Building Service Engineering Research and Technology (Under review)