Last updated on March 1, 2025
Uncovering the Relationship between Traffic and Emission using Machine Learning: Case Study of Jakarta (Under review)
Fauzi Dwi Setiawan, Rizqon Fajar, and Junghyun Kim (Corresponding author)
Transportation Planning and Technology
Development of Decision Support Systems for RAM Operations in South Korea (Under review)
Junghyun Kim and Hahyeon Moon
AIAA Journal of Aerospace Information and Systems
What-if Scenario Analysis of Gimpo International Airport using AEDT-based Simulation Model (Under review)
Junghyun Kim, Myeongju Lim, and Hyunsoo Cho
AIAA Journal of Air Transportation
Development of AEDT-based Simulation Model for Noise Analysis at Gimpo International Airport (Under review)
Myeongju Lim, Hyunsoo Cho, and Junghyun Kim (Corresponding author)
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Aviation
Machine Learning-based Regression Modeling Approach to Predict the Carbon Content in Molten Steel of EAF (Under review)
Hyukjun Ha, Donghyeon Shin, Daegun Jeon, Jungwoo Kim, Kyoungje Cho, Kwon-Yeong Lee, and Junghyun Kim (Corresponding author)
Steel Research International
Development of Decision Support Systems for Water Pipe Leakage Management (Under review)
Junghyun Kim, Rubiga Kim, Seonu Kim, Misun Kang, and Kwang-Ju Kim
ETRI Journal
Maintenance Work Order Assignment Optimization using Operation & Maintenance Data: Georgia Tech Campus Case Studies (Under review)
Sungil Hong, Eunhwa Yang, and Junghyun Kim (Corresponding author)
Building Service Engineering Research and Technology​
Multi-Objective Decision Making System for Truck Route Planning (Under review)
Joel Shin, Seulki Kim, Junseok Seo, Seonyoung Park, Seokbum Jang, and Junghyun Kim (Corresponding author)
RAIRO Operations Research
Mohammad Abrar Uddin, Myeongju Lim, Rubiga Kim, Barrett London Burgess, Ken Roberts, Junghyun Kim (Co-corresponding author), and Taeil Kim
Advanced Electronic Materials
Data-Driven Approach Toward Vertiport Placement for UAM Operations: Case Studies in South Korea
​Shinkook Cha, Juchan Lee, Chungho Park, Yujin Kim, Youngjae Lee, and Junghyun Kim (Corresponding author)
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) SciTech​
What-if Scenario Analysis of Regional Air Mobility Operations in South Korea
Juchan Lee, Seulki Kim, Sumin Ahn, and Junghyun Kim (Corresponding author)
International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS)
​Hahyeon Moon, Jungha Park, and Junghyun Kim (Corresponding author)
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Aviation
Yeongwon Song, Hyukjun Ha, Wongu Lee, Kwonyoung Lee, and Junghyun Kim (Corresponding author)
Steel Research International
Data-Driven Approach Toward Airspace Design for Regional Air Mobility Operations in Korea
Junghyun Kim and Seulki Kim
AIAA Journal of Aerospace Information and Systems
Flight Data Clustering for Offline Evaluation of Real-Time Trajectory Optimization Framework
Junghyun Kim and Dimitri Mavris
Decision Analytics
Surrogate-based Optimization Approach for Capacitated Hub Location Problem with Uncertainty
Junghyun Kim and Changyun Chung
Cogent Engineering
Data-Driven Approach using Unsupervised Learning for Detecting Anomalies in Facility Operations
Eunbi Cho, Sungil Hong, Hyeseo Yoon, Eunsung Cho, Jinho Shim, Joohee Oh, and Junghyun Kim (Corresponding author)
IEEE International Conference on Big Data
Sungil Hong, Junghyun Kim (Corresponding author), and Eunhwa Yang
ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering
Unscented Kalman Filter-aided Long Short-Term Memory Approach for Wind Nowcasting
Junghyun Kim and Kyuman Lee
MDPI Aerospace - Special Issue in Application of Data Science to Aviation
Data-Driven Approach using Machine Learning for Real-Time Flight Path Optimization
Junghyun Kim, Simon Briceno, Cedric Justin, and Dimitri Mavris
AIAA Journal of Aerospace Information and Systems
Designated Points-based Free-Flight Approach to Enable Real-Time Flight Path Planning
Junghyun Kim, Simon Briceno, Cedric Justin, and Dimitri Mavris
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Aviation
Supervised Machine Learning-based Wind Prediction to Enable Real-Time Flight Path Planning
Junghyun Kim, Chao Zhang, Simon Briceno, and Dimitri Mavris
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) SciTech
Machine Learning-based Code Auto-Completion Implementation for Firmware Developers
Junghyun Kim, Kyuman Lee, and Sanghyun Choi
Applied Sciences - Special Issue in Applied Machine Learning
A Data-Driven Approach using Machine Learning to Enable Real-Time Flight Path Planning
Junghyun Kim, Simon Briceno, Cedric Justin, and Dimitri Mavris
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Aviation
Aircraft Flight Plan Optimization with Dynamic Weather and Airspace Constraints
Coline Ramee, Junghyun Kim, Marie Deguignet, Cedric Justin, Simon Briceno, and Dimitri Mavris
International Conference for Research Air Transportation (ICRAT)
Aircraft Mission Analysis Enhancement by using Data Science and Machine Learning Techniques
Junghyun Kim, Seulki Kim, Kisun Song, Yongchang Li, and Dimitri Mavris
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Aviation
Data-Driven Approach for Understanding the Impact of Weather on Commercial Flight Path
Junghyun Kim, Kisun Song, Seulki Kim, and Dimitri Mavris
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Aviation
Junghyun Kim, Kisun Song, Changyun Chung, and Dimitri Mavris
Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) Conference
Multi-objective Optimization of Departure Procedures at Gimpo International Airport
Junghyun Kim, Dongwook Lim, Dylan Jonathan Monteiro, Michelle Kirby, and Dimitri Mavris
International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
Kisun Song, Kyunghak Choo, Junghyun Kim, and Dimitri Mavris
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Kisun Song, Kyunghak Choo, Junghyun Kim, and Dimitri Mavris
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Seokpum Kim, Xiang Chen, Gregory Dreifus, John Lindahl, Inseung Kang, Junghyun Kim, and et al.
Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE)
A Development and Verification of Density-based Solver Using LU-SGS Algorithm in OpenFOAM
Junghyun Kim and Kyuhong Kim
International Council of Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS)
Junghyun Kim, C.F. Lange, and C.R. Koch
International OpenFOAM Workshop
Junghyun Kim, Kyuhong Kim, and Jon Ahn
International Council of Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS)